
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Have a Solution!

Respone to (and similar news items):
iPhone Savior: Apple Strips Sexual Content From App Store

Recently thousands of apps were removed from the iPhone app store for being too sexually explicit, while apps like Playboy and others remained.  Apple Inc. then attempted to justify their censorship decision stating that those remaining apps were from established companies. Many have criticized Apple's decision and feel that they shouldn't censor at all because censorship leads to subjective policies that produce inconsistent results.

So, here's my take on this.  I am a father of two pre-teens with iPod Touches. I have set parental controls to prevent my kids from being able to download sexually explicit app (of course, they need my password to do so anyway) and was somewhat disheartened to discover that they could still see them in the app store lists, such as the top grossing apps.

I do, however have a solution to propose.  Similar to how pornography magazines sold in stores and mini-marts, I would like to see a censorship banner placed on the icons of adult-related apps coupled with a ban on suggestive words used in the names of these apps.  That way, I don't have to worry about what my kids might see regardless of whether or not they could actually download these apps. That way the apps can remain on the store, Apple doesn't have to censor them and my children won't have to grow up before I feel it's time to discuss these issues with them. All parties are happy and have their needs met. 
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Cookie Poll

Be sure to take our Girls Scout Cookie poll in the right navigation bar.  Thanks!

Comments welcome below...

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time Again!

Yes, Girl Scout cookies are being delivered here in Northern California.  Unfortunately, we're also a week into Lent.  Lent is the time (40 days plus Sundays) prior to Easter for Christians to examine the areas of our lives which hinder our efforts to be good Christians.  Sometimes, that means trying to eat better. 

But I'm a big fan of Girl Scout cookies, especially Peanut Butter Patties and Thin Mints.  They are heavenly.  They also test our Lenten devotion. So, for now, I stop at three.  Despite it's simplicity, that's really not easy for me but it's a good compromise so that I don't compromise the walking program I've been doing to drop some points.  As hard as it is, I much keep my focus on my goals, but physical and spiritual.

If you are interested in being a healthier person this Lent, check out Fr. Roderick's Health and Holiness Boot Camp podcast at SQPN.COM

I also want to share the link for a listing of ingredients and nutrition facts for all the Girl Scout Cookies. Check them out here -->  Girl Scout Cookies

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